Click Start to install the standard components of AppleShare IP. The recommended set of components for the computer you are using will be installed. About your hard disk The Installer automatically checks the selected hard disk for errors. If possible, it will repair any errors it finds. The Installer also looks for hard disks that were formatted using an Apple disk utility. If any are found, the hard disk driver software is updated to the current version. Disks formatted with a disk utility other than Apple’s are not updated or altered. See the troubleshooting section of the installation manual for more information about repairing hard disk problems and updating the driver. If you know you don’t have Apple hard disk driver software installed, you can tell the Installer not to check the drivers. Click the Options button, then click to remove the mark from the checkbox. You should obtain the latest drivers from the manufacturer of your hard drive or hard drive utility software. If it important that you have up-to-date drivers before using AppleShare IP. Creating an installation report The Installer automatically creates a report that describes all of the files installed, deleted, or replaced during installation. The report is saved in the Apple Installer Logs folder on the destination hard disk. If you don't want the report, click Options, then click to remove the mark from the checkbox.